Pinga during COVID-19

We’re seeing some wonderful examples of human kindness on Pinga. Yesterday a self isolating Hackney resident called Delilah asked for apples and pears, hand soap and tinned kippers amongst other things. This task was picked up by Danny, a nearby resident, who went to no less than four shops to help her out. Really lovely to see.
During this time we’re of course finding it difficult at times to meet the big increase in demand for home delivery, but we’re really pleased to see a tremendous number of new Pinga Partners signing up to help people.
Like all on-demand delivery companies we take the threat of COVID-19 very seriously and we are putting measures in place to protect our customers and our Pinga Partners.
We have asked all our Pinga Partners to adopt a number of precautionary measures, including frequent hand-washing and staying at home if they feel unwell.
Additionally, if you wish, you can request that your Pinga Partner drops items at your door without any face to face contact. Just request this in the chat.
The latest NHS guidance is that it’s very unlikely the virus can be spread through things like packages or food.
We will continue to closely monitor NHS guidance during this time and quickly adapt our procedures if needed.
Michael (Co-Founder)